May 1999, The Cutting Edge Hair Company opened our doors.
After working 15 years in a Sherwood Park salon, myself and my business partner, opened our own salon on Broadway Blvd.
The space was a new build we had to design from the floor up.
Thankfully we had the support and knowledge from our families to help us get up and on our way, we were just hairstylists at the time.
From getting incorporated and licensed to ordering everything from bobby pins to business cards, we had our work cut out for us. I remember it being busy and stressful, but rewarding at the same time.
We built a strong salon team over the years, many of whom, are still friends today.
The salon has gone through a recession and two economic down turns with ups and downs along the way. It has been a roller coaster ride and equally exciting.
We quickly became more than just hairstylists.
My business partner retired in 2019. Now it was all up to me.
I was the hands on partner, the decorator, the worker bee.
I had to learn behind the scenes and quickly discovered I was not half bad at it.
The past five years on my own, I have learned from past experiences, transformed my business model and built a diverse salon team.
I am grateful for the past 24 years and all that came with them.
I am just as grateful for the salon today and our future. I love this industry.
We have a few irons in the fire with new adventures on the horizon.
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward" - Martin Luther King Jr
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this Sherwood Park community for the past 24 years ❤️
Cutting Edge